In 1998, AFIVEPLUS, Inc. started manufacturing potato equipment, but the story started long before that. Larry Anderson began designing potato planters at a major potato equipment manufacturer in 1989. While there, he designed the first vacuum potato planter.
Leaving that company after over 8 years, Larry began designing custom equipment as well as developing a potato planter for another major potato equipment manufacturer. Then, in 1998 AFIVEPLUS, Inc. began manufacturing and selling specialized potato equipment. Larry, his wife DeeDee, and son Eric began manufacturing potato planters specifically suited for the small farm. After the first year of digging their own potatoes, they developed a small digger to add to the product line.
Additions to the product line have come exclusively from customer requests. These additions include a sweet potato option, a picking table extension, and a sacking platform. Smaller products that have been developed over the years include a small, table model seed cutter and hilling discs.
In 2006, a new planter was added to provide researchers with a modern version of the Iron Age Planter, a long used planter better suited to research plots. Even today, we continue to develop equipment to meet researcher’s needs.
In late 2006, we began doing business as US Small Farm Equipment Company. We made the name change to better reflect our farm equipment manufacturing and sales business.
We continue to develop custom equipment as the need arises. Like many of our customers, we are farmer’s market growers so we know the special needs and services required. We desire to help you in your small farm endeavors.Larry and DeeDee are finally able to retire! In 2016-2017 we are making the transition from Larry & DeeDee Anderson to their son and his wife, Eric and Cheri Anderson, to carry on the tradition of great products and great service. Since Eric has been the manufacturer of the equipment and involved from the beginning, we trust the service and dependability will remain the same.
Our Family

A personal note from Larry, Our Founder:
US Small Farm Equipment Co. is not actually about us, but about a God who watches over us and provides for us. Where I am today has less to do about me than others who have influenced my life.
The first persons who influenced my life for good were my parents. Although we never had a lot of this world’s goods, my dad provided what our family of ten needed. My “stay at home” mom was always there to help, teach and even discipline when necessary. Both parents encouraged us to do our best and expected us to go to college, probably partly because dad had not.
About the time I started first grade, a neighbor invited us to go to church with them. After ten years of regular attendance, church had not had much inward effect on me. Then, when I was 15, God got my attention through a Sunday school teacher. I fully realized that the Bible laid out the fact that everyone, including me, has sinned and come short of God’s requirements. I was troubled by that for about 6 months. I feared for my eternal destiny yet was ashamed to admit to anyone that I was not a believer in Jesus Christ. I was miserable. Finally, I gave in to God’s promptings and trusted Christ as my Lord and Savior as stated in John 3:16.“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Outwardly little changed but inwardly I no longer had the fear of the distant future. I also had a different perspective and motivation. Being human, I haven’t always lived up to the standard God has set in the Bible but when I have failed, I have tried to go back to where I left the path and press forward. This is based on I John 1:9 “If we confess our sins He (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Another person who has greatly influenced my life is my wife, DeeDee, whom I met my first year in college. Presently, she takes care of the bulk of the sales and office work. We have 3 children, all of them gifts from God with different talents. Paul, the youngest is our computer expert and keeps our hardware up to date and operating and bails us out when we need it. Eric the middle child does virtually all of our shop work including determining manufacturing methods and nearly all of the fabrication, machining, welding, and painting. Bonnie our oldest is our counselor in non technical matters generally not covered by our sons. Without those 4 people, our business would not function.
When I was young, I never would have thought I would be involved in my present work. The steps taken were much like walking in a dense fog, feeling my way as much as seeing where the path was going. I am convinced as I look back that God was guiding me down this path, preparing me years ago for this work through my work and living experiences.
Our desire is to honorably serve our customers in such a way that our commitment to do right before God and to mankind shows that we truly are followers of Christ. In this effort, we strive to meet ship dates and deliver equipment that meets our customer’s needs at a fair price. Some years ago we determined that we were not in the business of manufacturing small farm equipment so much as we are in the business of assisting others in their endeavors.
Through our experiences I have learned it is important to trust God in every part of my life, something difficult for me since I tend to see problems rather than solutions. I have also learned to appreciate people and not see them as potential customers for my profit. I desire to be a blessing to those like you that God brings across my path. May God bless you in your endeavors. |